General Information

Support - Example SLA

Example of a typical Service Level Agreement for the provision of the hosting and support of a website developed by Ryves Limited.

Service Level Agreement




Ryves Limited (“the Service Provider”)


<Client name> (“the Client”)

Introduction & Purpose

This document relates to the websites developed for the Client for the domains < domain name(s) > and the hosting and maintenance of those sites. This document provides an agreement between “The Service Provider” and “The Client” as to what constitutes acceptable service and to ensure the proper understanding and commitments are in place for effective support, measurement and resource planning in the provision of the Service Provider’s ticketing support system (Redmine).


The scope of this agreement covers:

  • The maintenance of the website software developed by the Service Provider for the domain(s) < domain name(s) >, the underlying MariaDB/MySQL databases of the websites and user support;
  • The scope of the agreement also covers remedial work to correct any faults or identified security vulnerabilities within the software developed by the Service provider or the hosting infrastructure;
  • Updates and upgrades of the underlying core code base as and when they are developed and released;
  • Remedying any faults or ‘bugs’ within the software which will be undertaken at no extra cost to the Client;
  • Reasonable user requests for help and support in the use of the Content Management System via the Service Provider’s on-line ticketing system;
  • Amendments and enhancements to the functionality of the websites and Content Management System, subject to the charge of development costs as given below;
  • Maintaining and where necessary enhancing security measures in place to prevent unauthorised or malicious access to the system, including maintenance of CSF firewall and associated allow/deny lists;
  • Ensuring and maintaining daily off site backups of site software and database, such backups to be retained on the following basis:
    • Daily backups – retained for one week;
    • Weekly backups – retained for four weeks;
    • Monthly backups – retained for three months.
  • Ensuring server operating software is maintaned and updated/patched as required and the currency of server software licences and SSL certificates (where applicable);
  • Provision to the Client of access to the full source code of the sites, including databases via cPanel;
  • Excluded from this agreement is any direct responsibility on the part of the Service Provider for maintaining and resolving issues that may arise with the hardware infrastructure upon which the system and database are hosted. Responsibility for resolving any such issues will lie with < datacentre provider > in accordance with the terms of the Service Provider’s SLA with that Company.


The Service will not include:

  • Request by personnel not belonging to the agreed/authorised list of employees provided by the Client;
  • Networks, devices, servers, workstations, operating systems, and applications outside of those referred to above;
  • Remedying any damage caused to the system’s software or database caused by tampering or interference by the Client or third-party organisations or individuals acting on the Client’s instructions. The provision of any such required remedies will be subject to the full development charge rates given below ;
  • Failure on the part of the Client to maintain and ensure effective security of the system;
  • Failure by the Client to use the Support Ticketing system.

On-line support/ticketing system (Redmine)

Support requests and issues should be reported via the Service Supplier’s on-line project management/ticketing system:
Access to this ticketing system will be provided to those individuals authorised/nominated by the client to submit such requests.  The ticketing system allows for the following types of requests and notifications with the following levels of priority:


Levels of priority
























The Service Provider will aim to respond to all tickets submitted within 2 hours during normal working hours (typically within 1 hour).  Tickets posted outside of normal working hours will receive a response within 24 hours (typically within 2 hours) of their receipt.

Bug reports which are flagged as being of Immediate or Urgent Priority will be investigated and remedied within 24 hours (typically within 3 hours).



For the Service Provider:



For the Client:

Service Objectives

Service Hours

There are no restrictions on Service hours although response times may be slower at night and at weekends.

Service Availability

The Service Provider will seek to provide 100% availability during working hours.

Exceptional Circumstances/Disaster Recovery

In the event of a total loss of service (e.g. flood or fire at datacentre), the Service Provider undertakes to restore access to the system via an alternative datacentre location within 48 hours of such total loss making use of the most recent available off-site database backup.

Support fees and hosting costs

Support fees:     + VAT per hour

SEO fees:     Charged at £       + VAT per month subject to the Client’s instructions/request

Development fees:     Charged at £     + VAT per hour

Hosting:     + VAT per annum for both websites inclusive of SSL certficates for same.              


Signed for and on behalf of the Service Provider: …………………



Signed for and on behalf of the Client: …………………


Name: .………………………………………………………

Support - Example SLA

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